Thursday, February 17, 2011

Marriage is: "Meatloaf Mondays"

I saw one of my favorite clients this week. I have been seeing him and his wife for several years now. They have been together since his wife was 15 and now they are in their early 70's. And, although retired, they maintain very busy lives traveling, volunteering, chasing grandkids and taking care of their home and cabin.
 On Tuesday, he was in for a haircut and we got to talking about Valentine's Day. I asked him how they celebrated and he told me that his wife had just returned home from visiting her sister for the weekend, so, they were going to celebrate Valentine's Day, a day late. He had flowers and chocolates waiting for her arrival and because she wasn't home for "Meatloaf Monday", for dinner, they were making meatloaf.

I'm sure he has no idea that I am still thinking about this conversation but, to me, it spoke volumes about marriage. And, more so, successful marriages, the importance of making time for eachother and even if date nights are nothing extravagant, it is important to make time for them so that when life gets busy, you've always got "Meatloaf Mondays".
At a time when I am so consumed with this wedding(which, clearly, I enjoy and wouldn't have it any other way) and little decisions like the wording for the invitations and how many tea light candles I need, it was a great reminder to take a step back and remember why we are doing all of this: because at the end of the day, it is not a wedding, it is a marriage and marriage is: "Meatloaf Mondays".

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